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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

"Holding on I'm lost in a haze fighting life to the end of my days"

“ I fight for no one, I fight for the death ”

Sam 6 Déc - 21:11
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

Mais qu'est-ce que la trahison au juste ? C'est ne plus suivre les intentions  d'une personne ou d'un groupe ? Mais dans ce cas, si on suit des intentions  contraire aux notre, on sera en situation de trahison envers nous même. Donc  que vaut-il mieux faire ? Trahir celui qui nous emploie ou nous trahir nous  même ?                    


Sam 6 Déc - 21:19
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

You never know how much time you'll have

Everyone has an Angel. A Guardian who watches over us. We can't know what form they'll take. One day, old man. Next day, little girl. But don't let appearances fool you, they can be as fierce as any dragon. Yet they're not here to fight our battles, but to whisper from our heart. Reminding that it's us. Its everyone of us who holds power over the world we create.                  
Jeu 8 Jan - 18:28
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...
Tel le yin et le yang, une part d'ombre et de lumière cohabite en moi. Je dois constamment me battre pour ne pas perdre le contrôle du cygne noir et laisser le blanc diriger ma vie.        
Sam 14 Mar - 1:02
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

You never know how much time you'll have
You can deny angels exist, Convince ourselves they can't be real. But they show up anyway, at strange places and at strange times. They can speak through any character we can imagine. They'll shout through demons if they have to. Daring us, challenging us to fight.
Mer 23 Sep - 11:11
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...
Ven 27 Nov - 9:30
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, it lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills, it comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter.

Think about the waves, my love. Can you hear them? Lapping gently beneath us, lulling us to sleep, protecting us… We’ll be with the waves soon. It’ll be beautiful. So beautiful.

Lun 24 Avr - 3:08
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...
i defied death, it was all for
a reason, it has to be.
As a child, you would wait and watch from far away. But you always knew that you'll be the one that work while they all play.

Dim 30 Avr - 15:42
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

Don't do anything stupid until I get back

'Cause I'm with you until the end of the line
Dim 30 Avr - 15:43
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

I can't run from my past once there is blood on my hands, they will never again be clean
© Nîniel
Dim 30 Avr - 15:44
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...
Stay, I need you more than you think

Mer 24 Mai - 1:14
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

She was like the sea

Dim 6 Aoû - 12:34
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Δ Messages : 1032
Δ Pseudo : Cocci, Nîniel
Δ Stranger Creature Δ
Je passe tel un fantôme défiant la mort...

Watch me fall... Whatch me burn...
Watch me rise.

For if a man is capable of confronting death daily... There's no telling what else that man can do.

<center><img src="" class="ISNini" /> <img src="" class="ISNini" /> <img src="" class="ISNini" /><div class="QSNini">Watch me fall... Whatch me burn...
Watch me rise.</div></center>
<style type="text/css">.ISNini {width: 75px;} .QSNini {width: 240px; font-size: 11.5px; line-height: 12px; color: #f6eedc; font-family: Times New Roman; text-align: center;}</style>
Ven 4 Mai - 8:31
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